Sis Banged by Pretty Boy: Countdown Akira 3 [Raw]

From famed adult comic artist Hiroyuki Utatane come six of the most erotic, the most exotic, the most unusual and just downright odd stories ever animated. In Alimony Hunter we see Jun in an extremely unusual three-for-all in which not everyone is what he (or she!) seems. She also makes an appearance as a teacher in Cherry Lips (under an alias). It all comes to conclusion in Virgin Road, there perhaps too-willing bride is having a last minute fling with her in the back room of the chapel; the groom is also not a stranger to Jun… Then there’s a manly knight who discovers the joys of bondage at the hands of a fair maiden; and a Samurai policewoman forced to tackle a giant walking statue, controlled by a sex-crazed megalomaniac, before it destroys Tokyo. Crimson is a bloody story of a man and his blind love slave. Episodes 4-6 are about Akira who is a pretty boy who dreams of banging his hot model sister while fucking other girls. This is some serious OG anime hentai. There is so much going on I really have no idea what is happening. It’s convoluted old school hentai with lots of plot.
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